Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Not much news to report. Erkki has had more chemo, including a new cocktail 2 days ago.
He is weak and the chemo has played havoc on his appetite.
The wound continues to heal, ever so slowly, but at least there is no infection.
We're not sure when we can get him home, but we know he has to feel much better than he does now.
He enjoys hearing from friends, feel free to call him at 416-553-8130


Peggy Clinton said...

Good morning Tachy and Erkki. Belated congratulations on the beautiful grandchild, she looks gorgeous. Bet you cannot wait to hold her.
Love and cyber hugs to you both.

Anonymous said...

Hi Erkki and Tachy,

Although the humour is rather black, I still think (hope) that you will get a kick out of the following:

I hope that you're feeling better soon, Erkki, and back home with Mexico's version of Ursula Andress.


Vera xo

P.S. Love the photo of Jenny and Ocea! Is there anything more beautiful than the look on a mother's face while she's holding her newborn?