Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ocea and Grandad

Our Prize Fighter rallied today, in time to  meet granddaughter Ocea. Erkki's face had a look of pure wonder,joy and pride. An incredibly emotional moment for the family.
Erkki stayed awake for at least 2 hours, speaking to us occasionally, smiling and, would you believe, 'dancing' in bed to Wilson Pickett playing in the background.
We are praying that he will wake up again for Ocea's visit tomorrow.


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Anonymous said...

I love the photo of you as A Blue(being President of the T-Holders Association at U of T does predjudice me of course ).I remember watching the Varsity Blues football team as a kid at UTS down the street and particularly you as a defensive halfback (yes, I know you played offence too)wacking the ball carrier as he burst through the line. Boy, could you whack 'em!!It always amazed when I met you years later that you were (are ) such a kind, friendly , gentle man ( am I missing something ?- on the squash court?). I've always enjoyed our squash games, our chats about sailing, CIBC, real estate investment and development, the Toronto waterfront and your relaxed, witty, humorous take on life in general(how many times did your yacht sink?). You are one of the best and a true gentlemen. As you can see, my thoughts are with you- and with great love and affection.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Ocea and Erkki are getting to know each other.

I'm having difficulty finding the right words so will simply say that I am thinking of all of you and am so glad that you are all together, providing comfort to each other and giving Erkki such a beautiful picture on which to set his eyes when he wakes up.

Much love to all of you.

Vera xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

You are all in our thoughts. Thank you for
sharing - so deeply personal - it helps all
of us stay connected - I can't begin to imagine
all the love in that room - give that new baby
a kiss for me - I'm so glad she met her "grand"-dad


Anonymous said...

Hey Erkki, Just heard about your fight with the big C. What a bummer. Must say your granddaughter looks gorgeous - you and she seem to have matching haircuts!! Hard to realize it's been 10 years since the big toad pulled the plug on us all one by one - but then he paid in the end!! Thoroughly enjoyed our time working together, you were such a laid back fun loving "boss", a pleasure to work with even if you did keep company with reprobates like Mr. McL and Linda..... And the paper you kept!! Figured at one time we might lose you if the piles collapsed! Erkki, I'm really sorry to hear of your illness but I'm sure you're fighting hard and still have your sense of humour. Love to you and to your lovely family, you're in my thoughts. Janet Hall