Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Out Cold!

Erkki fainted early this morning and bumped his head. Luckily he is fine, although I don't think the black eye suits him!
The worst part of the ordeal is that his 'central line' was broken. This line with 2 ports was inserted in his chest in August and is used for all medications & transfusions. We've just heard that it can be replaced quite easily, without anesthesia. Erkki can go home after this is done (day or two)
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Anonymous said...

I hope those Home Depot 'central lines' come with a money-back guarantee.

In all seriousness, I am sorry to hear about Erkki's fall. Do the docs know why he fainted?


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the proud grandparents!
Hope that Erkki continues on his way out of the hospital, even when there are some set backs. The view in your apartment is a thousand times better! He can experience the coming spring first hand.
All the best!
Tony and Roswita